Sunday, March 3, 2019

Where Do You Walk?

Today's Reading 

Have you ever felt alone in a crowd? Walking down an unfamiliar street yet very familiar with the fear you feel.


Far from home, you feel vulnerable.  Lost yet too afraid to ask strangers for directions.

And those you see around you, those you may seek for counsel and guidance, don’t seem the sort too willing to help.  Is it just you or are others standing in your way?

Blocking you from finding your way.

How do you feel when you desperately want answers but have no one around you to help.  And those that are around you seem only bent on taking you further from the truth you seek. 

This meditation from the first chapter of the Psalms will help you steer away from the counsel of the ungodly and delight in the law of the Lord.

Resting in imaginative contemplation for a moment, remain with your eyes closed...see yourself walking down a strange unfamiliar street.  Strangers whispering advice, wicked advice as you pass by.  Their words drifting in and out of your ears like worthless chaff.  How do you feel?  Now turn the corner.  Find a cool stream.  A well rooted tree.  Sit there in peace.  In its shade.  Leaning back against the solid trunk.  Cooling your feet in the stream.  How do you feel now.

Encounter God there.

Today you have the opportunity to be delighted in God. To experience truth and wisdom that only comes from the Lord.

When you encounter empty words today, return to the planted tree by cool water.

Rest there.  Be delighted in what the Lord says to you.

Let me pray that you remember to have your delight in the law of the Lord, And on His law [His precepts and teachings.  That you habitually meditate day and night on God’s law that is like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water.  Now to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever will be. Amen.

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