Saturday, June 28, 2008


Things have been going a bit smoother since my surgery, I'm recovering well, aside from my worries of the fluid that is not being absorbed by my body. The swelling can become rather uncomfortable, bearable, but at times, uncomfortabe. I can only praise God for the healing that He has bestowed upon me.

Amidst all of my recovery, I stood strong in praying for my children and the whole family.

This prayer, should help you get through some rough times when you can't seem to see any light ahead or calm seas. Just know in your heart, that you have been extremely blessed and he has already carried you through some of the roughest storms in your life.

If all you see are your storms in life, take a minute to quiet your heart and thoughts... just long enough to say this prayer...

Heavenly Father,
send your Holy Spirit upon us, your people.
Fill our mind and hearts with the fire of your love.
In the mystery of your divine plan,
give us vision to seek your truth,
and grant us the strength and courage to lovingly accept your will.

Give us guidance in the decisions we must make,
so that in all we do,
we do it for the honor and glory of your name.

Grant that the work we do now in this world
will ensure the presence of your reign on earth,
until you come in glory.

Help us to see that what we must build
is not just brick and stone,
but love, compassion, and understanding among all people.
We are building your holy city.

In your love, hear our prayer for vision and guidance,
which we make in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son,
our Savior and Lord.


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