Saturday, March 2, 2019

That Seems Impossible

Today's reading 

Maybe you’ve seen it at the circus. Perhaps between skyscrapers. Or stretched high over a canyon. A tightrope walker fighting gravity, fear, isolation, and howling winds to slowly navigate the impossible. 

Focusing with laser precision. One step, then another, on a thin cable.  Their eyes on safety at the end of this impossible journey.

Constantly shifting, adapting, and adjusting for whatever comes their way. The impossible becomes more likely with every forward step they take.

Have you ever faced something in your life that seemed impossible to navigate?  Hearing unexpected news. Receiving a late night phone call.  Encountering the unforeseen. Then you become frozen. Your new reality seems impossible to face.

This meditation from the first chapter of Luke will help you find hope when facing hopelessness. Courage when facing the impossible. 

Resting in imaginative contemplation for a moment, remain with your eyes may not want to imagine being on a highwire, but imagine the solitude of facing a journey that seems impossible. A new job. New relationship. Disease. Caring for someone in need. When have you faced what seemed impossible and seen your way through to the other side. Imagine the beginning.  Imagine the ending. Walk that path again for a minute. 

Let me pray that you remember the word of God will never fail.  That with God, all things are possible.  Nothing is impossible. To live the truth that you are a servant of the Lord; may all things be done to you in peace according to His word.  Amen.

Today you have the opportunity to face the impossible. To experience divine peace and gifted faith when confronting the impossible. When you encounter it today, embrace it today. Relish it as an opportunity to encounter His hope when facing hopelessness. His courage when facing the impossible.

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