Saturday, July 21, 2007

Spiritual Awareness

I made my journey very clear from the beginning of this blog, how I found myself on this journey since 2005. In this journey, I have run in to a few reading materials to help me in my journey. Here is one that I found very helpful in confirming what I just recently realized. I have not allowed myself to "simply be". I have continued to look back and forward constantly to see where I'm going or where I've been... Hopefully this can be of some enlightenment for others.

In order to be more spiritually aware, set aside time to strip away the unnecessary traidition or dogma and in an ultimate distillation the truth will be found.

Spiritual awareness or spiritual awakening is the process by which we begin to explore our own being in order to become whole and reunite our spirits with our physical bodies in a commonality of purpose.

No matter whether you are just starting on your serach or have been an invertebrate traveler on the spiritual awareness path, the answers you seek have always been with you. Perhaps in your seeking spiritual awareness you have been seduced by a process and simply not allowed yourself time to become aware. Put aside all restrictions and limitations and allow yourself to see your spirit. It is you, there, awaiting your rediscovery.

Stop! Be Still! Listen to your heart and the love you have for self and others and know your truth.

More here:
Spiritual Awareness
From Phylameana lila Desy