Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Day 1 - Placing our full confidence in God

 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 

Proverbs 31:10-11 

"For your Maker is your husband-- the Lord Almighty is his name--the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit-- a wife who married young, only to be rejected," says your God. 

Isaiah 54:5-6 

"Dear heavenly Husband, how I thank you for choosing me to be your bride! I don't pretend to understand all that this means, but I do know your Word says it's true. You are my Husband. You are the one who loves, protects, and provides--even if you do it through my earthly husband. I acknowledge that you are the one behind every good thing in my life. It's awesome to know that you are almighty. You have all might, all power in your hands. Therefore no situation in my life and no challenge I'll encounter during these next ninety days will be more than you can handle. Thank for being a redeemer, the one who can take something worthless and transform it into something valuable. I invite you to redeem every area of my life that has potential for greater value. 

Thank you for calling me back to a closer walk with you. At times I have felt deserted, distressed, and abandoned, sometimes by people in my life and sometimes--I want to be honest enough to admit--I've even felt like you have deserted me. Thank you for promising to never leave me or forsake me. The truth is, whenever there's been a distance between us, I'm the one who has walked away from you. I long to draw near to you once more; draw me close to you through the pages of this book. Thank you for calling me back once again." 


'To be noble means to be dignified and gracious.... In the Amplified Bible, the word for noble is rendered "capable, intelligent, and virtuous women who inspire full confidence in those who rely on us most, whether our husband, children, employer, or co-worker. The people around us can have full confidence in us because we have full confidence in God and we live accordingly." 

This is how I have always wanted to live my life, but because I am human and with confidence issues, I have failed on so many levels and had so many regrets having failed. So many obstacles, that were allowed on my part because I was searching for approval and love in human form. Instead of looking to God. This has all been quite a journey....  and I am in a better place for it all. Why? Because "God wants us to stand out as women who know we have something valuable to offer the world. We ARE capable, intelligent, and virtuou8s women who inspire full confidence in those who rely on us most. I am an empty nester, I am single... again, but I also know who is in the midst of my situation....  "a loving God who cares so much for me, that he paid the ultimate price so that He and I never have to spend even one day apart." 

This first day reveals to me, everything that I have felt and heard for so many years, but was made to believe that I was wrong.... that I need to listen for His encouragement along my journey. I had very critical husbands, difficult marriages and relationships and people in my life in general that always felt they knew what was ideal for my life or me and I was so blindly accepting their thoughts.... I have known people in my life that were determined to discourage me and people that dragged me down. I no longer focus on human feedback... Praise God!! I focus on my heavenly Husband and live to please only Him. As I work to transform my life, I hope to become an ever more beautiful woman whose noble character eventually brings me praise from the most important people in my life, my children, grandchildren and extended family and small circle of friends. I know it will not happen overnight, but I do acknowledge what God has done in and through our lives. I believe someday my children will stand up and acknowledge what God has done in and through my life. THAT alone is my second goal above pleasing God....   

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