Friday, March 2, 2007

Leave Your Baggage Behind

People who
rise to the top seldom
get there alone.
They seek help.

We all hate dragging a million pieces of luggage through a crowded airport. What if you had to tote a couple of suitcases, backpacks, and carry-on bags every-where you went? It would weigh you down and hold you back.

It's the same when recovering from divorce, or a broken relationship. Emotional baggage can weigh you down and hold you back. One principle for finding God's way to divorce/broken relationship recovery is to leave your baggage behind.

By baggage we mean bad stuff from the past. We've all experienced difficult events and relationships, emotional hurts, serious mistakes, tragic accidents, or loss of a loved one. Ideally, these events are resolved as they happen. But often pain is stuffed instead of dealt with; offenders are not forgiven; fears are not confronted; conflicts are not resolved, leaving us with past feelings and patterns of behavior that impact the present. That's baggage. you can be sure that some of your baggage is directly related to the feelings you face after divorce/broken relationship, and you can't be fully healed until you deal with it.

Here are five practical tips for helping you discard baggage.

Acknowledge that a terribly painful thing has happened to you, involving issues that were not resolved. If you don't work through them, they will prevent your healing. So the first step is to confess to yourself and to God that you have these issues.

Seek from others the care and healing you need to resolve these issues. Pouring out your hurt to others who love you opens the door to comfort, encouragement, healing and support.

3. RECEIVE FORGIVENESS. Getting rid of baggage means being free of the guilt and shame of past failures and sins. God will forgive you for anything you have ever done, no matter how bad. Your past failures and mistakes may also have alienated you from certain people. You must go to them, humbly confess your wrong, and receive forgiveness. Once you know you are forgiven, accepted, and loved, you can then re-enter life and begin moving on.

4. FORGIVE OTHERS. Some of your baggage may be hurt you received from others, perhaps your former spouse/partner. You still carry pain, anger and perhaps hatred. You must forgive these people. If you don't forgive, resentment will eat away at your heart. When you forgive another, you release that person from your right to exact punishment and retribution from them. As well, you release your own baggage of pain and resentment in the process.

5. SEE YOURSELF THROUGH NEW EYES. Another kind of baggage is the distorted view of ourselves we learned in past relationship or situations. We tend to see ourselves through the eyes of others who are important to us. And depending on whether that view is positive or negative, we either feel valued or devalued. A realistic self view will be balanced, recognizing strengths as well as weaknesses and growth areas.

Find this view by seeing yourself through God's eyes, for he loves you unconditionally and values you highly. Add to this the view you get from those who love you as God does. Let this new you replace the distorted picture that has caused you such grief.

Holding on to the baggage of the past will disable your search for recovery from divorce/shattered and broken relationship. Ask God to help you leave it behind.

1 comment:

~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

So often people including myself at times, hold onto "baggage" just because, we can. We should not. Jesus told us specifically to forgive as He forgives. Let it go. Move on. Allow the wounds time to heal. This is true.