Lord help me to serve You the way You want me to. Reveal to me any area of my life where I should be giving to someone right now. Open my eyes to see the need. Give me a generous heart to give to the poor. help me to be a good steward of the blessings You have given me by sharing what I have with others. Show me whom You want me to extend my hand to at this time. Fill me with Your love for all people, and help me to communicate it in a way that can be clearly perceived. Use me to touch the lives of others with the hope that is in me.
By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us, and we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
1 John 3:16
I use to pray to help someone sick and homeless. Soon, a family that just moved to the military base didn't have a place to stay. I cheerfully offered our guest bedroom. That night, the toddler, puked all over my walls, carpet and bedding. Prayer answered!
Oh Envoy... Well, as the saying goes, and even in prayer; Becareful what you ask for/or wish for.
I'm sure that they were very appreciative and well...
very "touched" by your loving kindness in opening up your home.
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