Saturday, June 30, 2007

Where Is The Joy?

Is it just me, or are there a lot of people walking around who have forgotten what it's like to enjoy life?

How many of us go about our daily lives without a single smile or chuckle, and we act like the weight of the world is upon our backs.

Our minds think about the heating and electric bill, and we wonder if we are ever going to be able to afford that vacation to Europe. As we drive back from work, we contemplate the irritating employee who seemed to sour our day, and we hold in our tensions over meddling in-laws, and neighbors that always seem to want to chat at the wrong time.

The cares and worries of the world will be with us always, but if you want joy, look upward!

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." -Nehemiah 8:10
more here

Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are going.
- Chinese Proverb

*I sincerely believe that a peaceful world evolves through peaceful hearts. That is just one of my goals, to obtain a peaceful heart. Not only through prayer, but through the positive energies that I have control of.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Thought for the day

You can't run a society or cope with its problems if people are not held accountable for what they do.

- John Leo

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Is Your Life Addressing These Questions to You?

What has brought you to this place in your journey, this moment in your life?

What gods, what forces, what family, what social environment, has framed your reality, perhaps supported, perhaps constricted it?

Whose life have you been living?

Why, even when things are going well, do things feel not quite right?

Why do you believe that you have to hide so much, from others, from yourself?

Why does life seem a script written elsewhere, and you barely consulted, if at all?

Why does the idea of your soul trouble you, and feel familiar as a long-lost companion?

Why is the life you are living too small for the soul's desire?

Why is now the time, if ever it is to happen, for you to answer the summons of the soul, the invitation to the second, larger life?

Finding Meaning In The Second Half of Life - How to Finally, Really Grow Up

*I found myself picking this book up again last night. I had bought it a few months back, started reading it and either because it just didn't quite fit my "then" current situations in life, or because life got hectic, I put it aside until life slowed down enough.... Well, I picked it up again... I picked it up for a reason, and the questions that are facing me right now in my life, I have to say that they are all similar to the ones listed above.

I had recently told PC, that as much as I love to read, I rarely will sit and read through a book in one sitting. I tend to read various books at once all over a staggered amount of time. So, here I am, picking it up and attempting to read through it again.

I will say though that I do have a book at home that I picked up at the local Half Price Book Store and haven't been able to put that one down... House of Spirits and Whispers: The True Story of a Haunted House. I have always been intrigued with hauntings, spirits and such. Well, this is just a bit of my reading interests at this time.

My Journey and A Thought For Today

My journey began in 2005, and I'm finding that this is turning out to be a long journey . I knew then that it would be, but I figured (for some odd reason) that along my journey, all my awakenings would drop out of the sky and just slap me in the face, just like it was in July of 2005, but the actual awakening to many other things came around in August of 2005. It was like a light bulb went off! I'll never forget that day! I was standing in the middle of the living room when I threw my hands up in the air and said "Enough". On many occasions, I still find myself going back and reading and re-reading and reading again the following words:

A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out...ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling to hold on.


It is something very real and well worth the fight, the struggle, the tears and even pain! Because at the end, you'll find yourself in a peaceful place...
Much to my surprise, I find myself struggling a bit right now. I'm learning that who I thought I was since High School and for the years to follow up until 2000, is someone that I can't find anymore. Maybe it's not a bad thing, if I really think about it, but my passion for art, drawing, gardening, taking care of my family is hard to attain again. These passions that made me so unique and different from anyone else, I can't get a grasp of. I don't know who to blame, really though, I can only blame myself for allowing such beautiful traits to be stripped from me. I allowed these traits to be stripped. I was naive... maybe there is another word for it, either way... I'm still struggling. I know that these traits are there. I know they are. I can't be so anxious, I know that I have to be patient and let God do his work, he has a plan and I just need to sit back and enjoy everything that he has brought my way and continues to bring my way. I love you PC... I love my new job... I love my kids....


A Plan For Today
Include God in every aspect of your life's journey, including the plans that you make and the steps that you take. But beware: as you make plans for the days and weeks ahead, you may become sidetracked by the demands of everyday living.

If you allow the world to establish your priorities, you will eventually become discouraged or disappointed, or both. But if you genuinely seek God's will for every important decision that you make, your loving Heavenly Father will guide your steps and enrich your life.

A Thought to Jump Start Your Day
God has a course mapped out for your life, and all the inadequacies in the world will not change His mind. He will be with you every step of the way. And though it may take time, He has a celebration planned for when you cross over the "Red Seas" of you life.
Charles Swindoll

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Wisdom of Silence

Do you take time each day for an extended period of silence?

The world can be a noisy place, a place filled to the brim with distractions, interruptions, and frustations. And if you're not careful, the struggles and stresses of everyday living can rob you of the peace that should rightfully be yours. So take time each day to quietly commune. When you do, those moments of silence will enable you to participate more fully in the only source of peace that endures: God's peace.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm Not Who I Was

Just as the title states...
I'm not who I was.
If there has ever been a song to relay exactly where I have been in life and where I am now... This is it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Importance of Words

*I can't begin to say how much I yearn to live by this scripture. I am always seeking to be a source of encouragement to others. I have failed on many occasions, and at times, the kindness has been to a fault, so much that it has bitten me in the worst possible way. I just wish everyone could live by this, if only it were a perfect world, but it's not. There are many things in this world that I don't understand, and never will, but I will keep on living in my little world with my hopes and my dreams of someday seeing that perfect world, that is, when God is ready to bring me home.

So then, rid yourselves of all evil, all lying, hypocracy, jealousy, and evil speech. As newborn babies want milk, you shold want the pure and simple teaching. By it you can grow up and be saved.

1 Peter 2:1-2 NCV

How important are the words we speak? More important than we realize. Our words have echoes that extend beyond place or time. If our words are encouraging, we can lift others up; if our words are hurtful, we can hold others back.

Do you seek to be a source of encouragement to others? So avoid angry outbursts. Refrain from imulsive outpourings. Terminate tantrums. Instead speak words of encouragement and hope to your family and freinds, who, bythey way, most certainly need all the hope and encouragement they can find.

A Thought to Jump Start Your Day
Words. Do you fully understand their power? Can any of us really grasp the might force behind the things we say? Do we stop and think before we speak, considering the potency of the words we utter?
Joni Eareckson Tada

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Distractions in every day life...

Saint Martha

Feastday: July 29, Patroness of cooks

"Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus." This unique statement in John's gospel tells us of the special relationship Jesus had with Martha, her sister, and her brother.

Apparently Jesus was a frequent guest at Martha's home in Bethany, a small village two miles from Jerusalem. We read of three visits in Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-53, and John 12:1-9.

Many of us find it easy to identify with Martha in the story Luke tells. Martha welcomes Jesus and his disciples into her home and immediately goes to work to serve them. Hospitality is paramount in the Middle East and Martha believed in its importance. Imagine her frustration when her sister Mary ignores the rule of hospitality and Martha's work in order to sit and listen to Jesus. Instead of speaking to her sister, she asks Jesus to intervene. Jesus' response is not unkind, which gives us an idea of his affection for her. He observes that Martha is worried about many things that distract her from really being present to him. He reminds her that there is only one thing that is truly important -- listening to him. And that is what Mary has done. In Martha we see ourselves -- worried and distracted by all we have to do in the world and forgetting to spend time with Jesus. It is, however, comforting to note that Jesus loved her just the same.

The next visit shows how well Martha learned this lesson. She is grieving the death of her brother with a house full of mourners when she hears that Jesus has just come to the area. She gets up immediately and leaves the guests, leaves her mourning, and goes to meet him.

Her conversation with Jesus shows her faith and courage. In this dialogue she states clearly without doubt that she believes in Jesus' power, in the resurrection, and most of all that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus tells her that he is the resurrection and the life and then goes on to raise her brother from the dead. Our final picture of Martha in Scripture is the one that sums up who she was. Jesus has returned to Bethany some time later to share a meal with his good friends. In this home were three extraordinary people. We hear how brother Lazarus caused a stir when was brought back to life. We hear how Mary causes a commotion at dinner by anointing Jesus with expensive perfume. But all we hear about Martha is the simple statement: "Martha served." She isn't in the spotlight, she doesn't do showy things, she doesn't receive spectacular miracles. She simply serves Jesus.

We know nothing more about Martha and what happened to her later. According to a totally untrustworthy legend Martha accompanied Mary to evangelize France after Pentecost.
But wouldn't it be wonderful if the most important thing that could be said about us is "They served"?

Martha is the patron saint of servants and cooks.

In Her Footsteps

Dorothy Day said: "If everyone were holy and handsome, it would be easy to see Christ in everyone. But it was not Christ's way for himself. Ask honestly what you would do when a beggar asked at your house for food. Would you give it on an old cracked plate, thinking that was good enough? Do you think that Martha and Mary thought that the old and chipped dish was good enough for their guest? It is not a duty to help Christ -- it is a privilege." In what ways do you serve Christ others grudgingly or sparingly? How can you serve them the way Martha served Christ, putting her whole self into it?


Saint Martha, pray for us that we might serve Jesus better. Help us to overcome our distractions and worries to listen to his words and be present to him this day. Amen

Thursday, June 7, 2007

It’s All For a Reason

Thanks sis...

“Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.”
(Psalm 30:5)

There probably is nothing good in this life that comes free of charge. Things of value often require sacrifice to obtain—but they are worth the cost! The Christian life is no exception. The trials you encounter from day to day may seem frustrating, but the reward is great in the end. The only problem with the whole equation is that you can’t see the end, so you’re not always sure where God is taking you or what He is trying to accomplish in your life. That’s where His grace and love come into play as He assures you of His guidance and asks you to trust Him. Who would you rather trust than God? He knows where your journey will take you and where you should go, so listen to Him and trust His plans and reasons.

A Prayer for Today

God, I know You have a plan for me that is wonderful. Give me the grace to seek that plan and trust You no matter what I see ahead. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Beyond Anger

I learned something very hard and real about myself this week. As much as I talk about showing love for all those around us and refraining from anger and living in peace, I am human and can fail even at what I try to live by, day in and day out. I never imagined that I could react in such ultimate anger, hatred and hurtful words. Certain situations have replayed in my mind, over and over again as if hitting the rewind button on a movie, only this is one scene that I wish would stop and just go away.

With my recent move, I had not found where I had packed the Devotional Book that my daughter gave me and yesterday it reappeared. Well, as I opened it this morning to read my daily devotional, I knew that I had missed several days and I was attempting to figure out what day this would be according to days in the year.

I have said it before and I will continue to claim this until the day I die, I am not perfect, I fall and stumble, but I will do all that is possible to correct my mistakes or better yet, I will do all I can to live a better life. I don’t like anger; it has no room in my life. I don’t like hatred, it poisons ones life and mind and those around you. Hatred has too many effects on a person. I don’t like being judgmental of people; I read somewhere that the more you judge, the less you love. I want to love everything in my life, everything and everyone around me, even those difficult to love. I guess I have been very judgmental in this one case, even when I thought I was being accepting. It’s hard not to judge when it involves one of your own family members and you feel deep within your heart that they are making a mistake in their life and that the road they are on is a destructive one, or one that will lead to more heartache. Forgive me Father for being judgmental in this situation.

Before getting to the right day, I opened the book to this page right off the bat, a message… maybe, but it had me reading…

Beyond Anger
Mockers can get a whole town agitated, but those who are wise will calm anger.
Proverbs 29:8 NLT

Your temper is either your master or your servant. Either you control it, or it controls you. And the extent to which you allow anger to rule your life will determine, to a surprising extent, the quality of your relationships with others and your relationship with God. Anger and peace cannot coexist in the same mind. If you allow yourself to be chronically angry, you must forfeit, albeit temporarily, the peace that might otherwise be yours through Christ. So obey God’s Word by turning away from anger today and every day. You’ll be glad you did, and so will your family and friends.
A Thought to Jump Start Your Day
Anger is the noise of the soul; the unseen irritant of the
heart; the relentless invader of silence.
Max Lucado

*I want to be a wise human being on this earth, one that will calm anger.

Friday, June 1, 2007

You Can Love the Unlovely

This scripture of the day was sent to me by my loving sister this morning. I had a difficult week-end and week as well, something that should have been a special celebration of my childs birth, resulted in nothing but anger, hate, resentment and disappointment for alot of people. I won't rehash the specifics, but know that this has been very hard on a few people.

I whole heartedly believe in unconditional love, this just makes it more real for me. I want to be one of those people that just "might" make a difference in someones life. I was hoping I could be that one in this case, I failed on Monday, and I have asked God for foregiveness and I know that I have received it, but I also know that I have to let go and let God take care of it all now. So.... in saying that, I leave you with the scripture that was sent to me.

Thank you sis, for signing me up to receive devotional email messages from Joel Osteen Ministries.

When browsing the internet for "Unconditional Love" I found the website above (click on the jpg) and the story line has me intrigued, I'll be looking for the book.

You Can Love the Unlovely

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
(Romans 12:21)

God says you need to love even those people who are difficult or seemingly impossible to love. The mark of true believers is the love they have for each other and for those who are not part of God’s family. Did you know there usually is a reason that some people are very difficult to love? More than likely, part of the problem is that they don’t have enough love, which means they need your love the most of all! You have your own personality, and it probably meshes better with certain other personalities. But even with the differences between people, you can still love others with the love God has shown to you. You will be amazed how much things will change if you just take that first step of faith and love the unlovely people around you. They are desperate for love and friendship, and you might make all the difference.

A Prayer for Today

God, give me Your unconditional love for the hard-to-love people in my life. I want to show others what Your love is all about so they will be drawn to Christ. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.