Saturday, June 30, 2007

Where Is The Joy?

Is it just me, or are there a lot of people walking around who have forgotten what it's like to enjoy life?

How many of us go about our daily lives without a single smile or chuckle, and we act like the weight of the world is upon our backs.

Our minds think about the heating and electric bill, and we wonder if we are ever going to be able to afford that vacation to Europe. As we drive back from work, we contemplate the irritating employee who seemed to sour our day, and we hold in our tensions over meddling in-laws, and neighbors that always seem to want to chat at the wrong time.

The cares and worries of the world will be with us always, but if you want joy, look upward!

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." -Nehemiah 8:10
more here

Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are going.
- Chinese Proverb

*I sincerely believe that a peaceful world evolves through peaceful hearts. That is just one of my goals, to obtain a peaceful heart. Not only through prayer, but through the positive energies that I have control of.


Suzanne said...

Let them come spend a morning with us at they will chuckle.. Great post!

La Tejana - ~^^~LC said...

I need to laugh more despite the stressful sitauations - good point.