Friday, May 15, 2015


Here I am...  54 years old and still learning about relationships. Sad... but true...  at my age though and since my last, unexpected and unwanted divorce. I have put up walls. I use to love so freely, unconditionally and passionately. I find that hard to do now.

One thing I have learned though, is my relationship with our Loving God, will never change. In fact... it will only grow more deeply with each passing moment and day.

I was reading a devotional today and found myself agreeing with the fact that "Relationships can cause us heartache and pain. They can be difficult and messy." When friendships cause us heartache, we often choose to retreat. When family lets us down, we eventually learn to keep those closest to us at arm's length. We will retreat to our safe corners, we set ourselves in a defensive stance, we harden our hearts because of the pain..."

The truth is, IT HURTS...!

I'm learning though... It's all a process and I pray that God will strengthen me to learn to love again.

More later...  

Many blessings to all...